Family Service Canada’s Board Members

Family Service Canada is governed by a membership-elected, volunteer Board of Directors. Being member-led ensures that we are always connected to what is happening in agencies across Canada and can make decisions accordingly. We are always working to support the current needs of our member agencies as they support Canadians.

Elections are held at the annual general meeting. The AGM takes place in the fall as part of our Community of Learning Conference. Terms are three years, and Directors can serve for a maximum of two consecutive terms.

If you are a Family Service Canada member and want to serve on the Board of Directors, contact Maria Howard at [email protected].

Our Board Members

Maria Howard
Maria HowardChair
Family Services of Greater Vancouver
Vancouver, BC
Nancy MacDonald
Nancy MacDonaldVice Chair + Treasurer
Family Service of Eastern Nova Scotia
Antigonish, NS
Sharon Amirault
Sharon AmiraultDirector
Family Plus/Life Solutions
Saint John, NB
Kirk Englot
Kirk EnglotDirector
Family Service Regina
Regina, SK
Hayley Kennedy
Hayley KennedyDirector
PARTNERS Family Services
Humboldt, SK
Sandra Rupnarain
Sandra RupnarainDirector
Family Services of Peel
Mississauga, ON

Share your knowledge to help us understand the issues facing Canadian families!

We’ll do the same for you.